Conosci Kiyomizu-dera?? Do you know
E' patrimonio dell'umanita' dall'UNESCO ed a' anche uno dei finalisti
per le sette meraviglie del mondo moderno. Un proverbio dice: " Provate a essere
forti come per saltare giu dal palco di Kiyomizu". Vi consiglio di
vederlo nella stagione autunnale!
Kiyomizu temple. This is one of UNESCO world heritage.
There is a kind of proverb "try to be hard like jump off from the stage
of Kiyomizu" The temple made from wood and this posts
and rail fence were built in 1633 by Iemitsu Tokugawa(徳川家光) Anyway it's an awesome building and very
beautiful view.
I recommend to visit here in autumn season with autumn