Conosci Lady Oscar ? Do you know Berusaiyu no bara?
Lady Oscar (ベルサイユのばら Berusaiyu no bara / Le rose di Versailles), e' un
manga di Riyoko Ikeda, e i fans giapponesi spesso lo abbreviano in
Berubara (ベルばら).
Location: Francia, gli anni della rivoluzione del 1789.
Nel 1770 arriva a corte una giovane Maria Antonietta d'Austria promessa
in sposa al nipote di Luigi XV.
Oscar Francois nata figlia della famiglia de Jarjayes
(オスカル・フランソワ・ド・ジャルジェ Osukaru Furansowa do Jaruje), fu cresciuta come uomo
per succedere alla casa di Budomon e fu nominato comandante della
Guardia Reale.
Sia Oscar, sia la Regina Maria Antonietta (マリー・アントワネット Mari'
Antowanetta)si innamoreranno del conte svedese Hans Axel von Fersen.
Dall'altra parte Andre' (fedele attendente di Oscar) nasconde i suoi
sentimenti per lei.
The Rose of Versailles (ベルサイユのばら Berusaiyu no Bara), also known as Lady
Oscar or La Rose de Versailles, is a Japanese shōjo manga series written
and illustrated by Riyoko Ikeda.
The Rose of Versailles focuses on Oscar Francois de Jarjayes, a girl
raised as a man to become her father's successor as leader of the Palace
Guards. A brilliant combatant with a strong sense of justice, Oscar is
proud of the life she leads, but becomes torn between class loyalty and
her desire to help the impoverished as revolution brews among the
oppressed lower class. Also important to the story are her conflicting
desires to live life as both a militant and a regular woman as well as
her relationships