Conosci Jūtaku Dē ? Do you know 住宅デー ?
Mentre il 20 Giugno era il Giorno della salute dell'abitazione Kenkō
Jūtaku no Hi 健康住宅の日, il 25 Giugno e' il giorno dell'abitazione 住宅デー
Jūtaku Dē ... giorno dedicato ad affermare la fiducia negli architetti,
carpentieri, falegnami, artigiani, costruttori.. ed e' in onore
all'architetto Antoni Gaudi' nato il 25/6/1852
25 June is Jyutaku de (住宅デー), Day of Housing. This day was established
by Zenkoku kensetsu rodo kumiai sorengo (全国建設労働組合総連合), National
Federation of Construction Workers' Union in 1978 to let the people
understand the work and skill of construction workers.
This day was chosen because the great Spanish architect, Antoni Guillem
Gaudi i Cornet was born on June 25, 1852. His most famous architecture
must be Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. It was his life work.
#japan #day #monogatari #antoyokomonogatari #gaudi #architettura