Conosci Harikuyō? Do you know 針供養?
Oggi e' il giorno dell' Hari-Kuyō 針供養. E' il festival buddista e
shintoista giapponese degli aghi rotti, celebrato l'8 febbraio nel Kanto,
ma l'8 dicembre nelle regioni di Kyoto e nel Kansai. Una celebrazione
che risale al periodo Heian, che insegna a rispettare i propri strumenti
e in questo caso dona riconoscenza agli gli aghi rotti e al loro lavoro
Hari-Kuyō is the Japanese Buddhist and Shinto Festival of Broken Needles,
celebrated on February 8 in the Kanto region, but on December 8 in the
Kyoto and Kansai regions. It is celebrated by women in Japan as a
memorial to all the sewing needles broken in their service during the
past year, and as an opportunity to pray for improved skills. It is also
called the Needle Mass and Pin Festival. "Hari" means "needle" and the
suffix "-kuyou" means "memorial", derived from a Sanskrit word pūjā or
pūjanā, meaning "to bring offerings".
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