Conosci Bisuketto no hi? Do you know ビスケットの日?
Il Biscuit Day o giorno del Biscotto (28 Febbraio) fu creato dalla
全国ビスケット協会Japan Biscuit Association nel 1980!
L'origine della parola biscotto deriva dal latino «panis biscotus»,
cioe' «pane cotto due volte, e quindi e' perfetto per il gioco di
lettura、に(2)どや(8)かれたもの presi due volte!
2月28日 ビスケットの日 Bisuketto no hi
The biscuit day was established by the National Biscuit Association in
On this day in 1855, Shibata Tamba was studying in Nagasaki to learn how
to make bread, made the bread / biscuit . This is regarded as the first
document in Japan describing the manufacturing method of biscuits.
Also, because biscuit means "twice baked" in Latin, it also good for
wordplay に(2)どや(8)かれたもの take twice.
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