Conosci Yoi ha no hi ? Do you know よいはのひ?
Ci sono tantissimi giochi di parole in Giappone. Per cui ogni giorno
continua a essere dedicato a uno o piu' eventi! Oggi e' dedicato ai
denti. Perche'? 418, lo possiamo pronunciare よいは yoi wa =buono, yo (4) i
(1) ha/wa (8), "ha" in kanji significa denti. 歯 =dente (ha)
Questa giornata e' stata fondata nel 1993 da Nihon Shika ishikai (日本 歯 科
医師 会), Giappone Dental Association.
There are many doon igigo(同音異義語), homonyms in Japanese.
For example today is April 18, which is written as 418 and read as yo
(4) i (1) ha (8). Therefore today is yoi ha no hi (よいはのひ). If we write
it in hiragana, we can imagine many things, because there are many
homonyms of ha (は). If we write ha (は) in kanji, we know the meaning
Actually today is yoi ha no hi (よい歯の日), Day of good teeth and yoi ha no
hi (よい刃の日), Day of good blade. Day of good teeth was established in 1993
by Nihon shika ishikai(日本歯科医師会), Japan Dental Association. Day of good
blade is just from pun.
#japan #day #monogatari #antoyokomonogatari #dente #teeth #ha