Conosci Fūrin ? Do you know 風鈴?
Con il termine Fūrin (風鈴 - ふうりん) si indica un particolare campanellino
tipico del Giappone, adoperato durante il periodo estivo.
Se analizziamo la parola possiamo divire ふうりん - hūrin in "hū" = vento e
"rin" = campana - ovvero "campanella al vento".
Nei mesi estivi i fūrin vengono appesi e lasciati tintinnare al vento in
tutta la nazione, producendo un suono che pervade dalle capagne alle
Furin (風鈴) are Japanese wind chimes used in the summer.
風鈴 - ふうりん - hūrin), composed of the "hū" - wind and "rin" - bell - takes
the meaning of "the bell with the wind".
It is hung outside or near the windows and people enjoy the soothing
sounds it makes when the wind blows.
Even though traditionally the furin was used to ward away evil and
epidemics, nowadays people simply enjoy its cooling sound during the hot
summer days. For some people, the relaxing sound of the furin paired
with the sound of the Japanese cicada eases the summer heat.
#antoyokomonogatari #monogatari #japan #storie giapponesi #giappone #furin