Hachiko ハチ公 |
---------------------- Hachikō (#ハチ公), Akita nato nel 1923, emblema di affetto e lealtà. Famoso per aver aspettato per quasi dieci anni il suo padrone presso la stazione in cui l'uomo prendeva il treno per recarsi al lavoro. Nel 1934 gli fu dedicata una statua dallo scultore Teru Ando posta nella stazione di Shibuya, statua poi fusa per creare armi durante il conflitto della seconda guerra mondiale, e poi ricreata nel 1948 dal figlio Takeshi Ando. L'8 Marzo di ogni anno (giorno della scomparsa di Hachi nel 1935) viene ricordato attraverso una cerimonia ma e' l'8 Aprile "il Giorno Nazionale del ricordo di Hachiko" Dopo 80 anni, nel 2015 , viene posta nel campus dell' Universita' Imperiale di Tokyo, una nuova statua omaggio ad Hachi, dove finalmente puo' incontrare il suo padrone. ---------------------- 忠犬ハチ公銅像及び秋田犬群像維持会が制定。 ハチ公の命日は3月8日であるが、1ヵ月後の4月8日をハチ公の日とした。 ハチ公は1923年(大正12年)生まれの秋田犬で、翌1924年から東大農学部の上野英三郎博士に飼われた。 ---------------------- Hachiko the Akita from Japan has been known as a symbol of loyalty. Legend has it that Hachiko would wait for Ueno, his master, to come home from work at the Tokyo Shibuya Station every day. When his master suddenly died from cerebral hemorrhage, Hachiko continued to show up at the station for nine years, following his routine when his master was still alive. He did this day after day, year in and year out. On 1934, a bronze statue of Hachiko was erected in front of the station (by Teru Ando), with a poem engraved on a placard titled "Lines to a loyal dog." However, the statue was melted down during the war for other purposes. A second memorial was put up on 1948, modeling a waiting Hachiko (by the son, Takeshi Ando) 8 March is the anniversary of the death of Hachiko (1935) but every year on April 8th, Hachiko is celebrated with a traditional ceremony at Shibuya train station.("National Day of remembrance of Hachiko") After 80th year (2015), was that moment for a new statue showing Hachiko as he's rarely been depicted before, bursting with joy upon seeing his owner (you can see in University of Tokyo). #antoyokomonogatari #いいね返し #かわいい #すごいにほんのものがたり #日本 #japan #giappone #nipón #monogatari #edjapan #nippon #hachi #hachiko #anniversary #hanami #花見
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