Halloween ハロウィン |
================ In Giappone c'è stato sempre un graduale aumento riguardo l'interesse per Halloween! Portando cosi a un vero boom di tipo commerciale! Quando molti di noi occidentali pensano a Halloween, la prima cosa che pensano e andare casa per casa e dire "trick or treat" (dolcetto o scherzetto)! Ma non in Giappone! Passare dalle case per raccogliere caramelle sarebbe un enorme disagio per molte persone. Quindi? Halloween in Giappone e' puramente commerciale si basa sui costumi! Una sorta di "cosplay" (da costum player = costume da gioco). Quindi si ci veste in modo "attraente" e via di festa! ----------------------------------------- 10月31日は、ハロウィンです。キリスト教の聖人の祝日「万聖節」の前夜祭です。 古代ヨーロッパの原住民ケルト族の収穫感謝祭がキリスト教に取り入れられ、現在のハロウィンになったとされています。ケルト族の1年の終わりは10月31日で、この夜は死者の霊が家族を訪ねたり、精霊や魔女が出てくると信じられていました。これに因んで31日の夜、かぼちゃで作ったジャック・オー・ランタンにろうそくを立て、魔女やお化けに仮装した子供達が「Trick or Treat」と唱えて近くの家を1軒ずつ訪ねます。家庭では、カボチャの菓子を作り、子供達はもらったお菓子を持ち寄り、ハロウィン・パーティーを開いたりします。 --------------------------------------- Japan as a whole has shown a gradual increase of interest in Halloween, and with that an increase in commercial type! When many of us westerners think of Halloween, the first thing we thinkis is “trick or treat” from house to house. But no in Japan! Having to go around to people’s houses to gather candy would be a huge inconvenience to many people. So what they do? The appeal of Halloween in Japan lies in two things: commercialism and costumes. Many fanatics of “cosplay” (costume play) find the idea of dressing up very appealing, and this is an especially popular mindset among those is Harajuku and the otaku crowd in general. #edjapan #japan #day #monogatari #antoyokomonogatari #halloween #ハロウィン |
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