Conoscete 花まつり Hana Matsuri?
// Do you know Hana Matsuri (Floral festival)?
花まつり Hana Matsuri - Il compleanno del Buddha
l'8 aprile (4月8日) come tradizione del Buddhismo Mahayana dell'estremo
oriente (Cina, Corea, Vietnam, Giappone) si celebra la nascita del
Buddha stesso, 灌仏会 (kanbutsue, Compleanno del Buddha).
Si chiama 花まつり Hana Matsuri o Festival dei Fiori (hana=fiore) e
un'antica credenza riteneva appunto che i fiori sbocciassero in tutto il
loro splendore in questo giorno proprio per la devozione al Buddha .
Per celebrare l'Hana Matsuri, e' tradizione prendere un 柄杓 hishaku
(cucchiaio di legno usato durante il processo di purificazione nei
templi e santuari) e versare dell'acqua sopra la statua del Buddha.
E' inoltre tradizione bere te' all'ortensia 甘茶 (あまちゃ Amacha).
Hana Matsuri - Il Floral festival
Hana-Matsuri refers to the memorial service performed at temples
throughout Japan to celebrate the birth of Buddha on April 8th (Kanbutsue).
Coincidentally, the sakura (cherry) trees bloom at this very time, and
so are given as offerings to adorn the nativity celebrations and 'amacha',
sweet tea symbolic of the heavenly rain is poured over the baby Buddha
by children
The day is celebrated with parades featuring images of the baby Buddha,
the white elephant seen by his mother in her dream just before his birth
and cherry blossoms carried by children dressed in traditional Japanese
On this day, small buildings decorated with flowers are made at temples
and a tanjobustu (baby Buddha figurine) is placed inside. This figurine
is sprinkled by worshippers using a ladle with ama-cha, which is a
beverage made by soaking tealeaves in hot water .
Some people take this ama-cha home and drink it as holy water