Conoscete Hanabi no Hi??
Do you know 花火の日?
Oggi in Giappone e' Hanabi no Hi 花火の日!Il giorno dei fuochi d'artificio.
Il 28 maggio del 1733, durante il periodo dello shogunato Tokugawa,
vennero lanciati per la prima volta fuochi d'artificio sul Sumida per
commemorare le vittime di carestie e pestilenze
花火の日(hanabi no hi): Day of fireworks
May 28 is hanabi no hi (花火の日), Day of fireworks. Hanabi (花火) literally
means flower fire. In 1733 on this day, the first rocket was shot at the
opening of the Ryogoku Big River (両国大川). This festival was held by the
8th Shogun Tokugawa Yoshimune(八代将軍徳川吉宗) for the first time to comfort
the souls of victims of the famine and cholera the year before and to
wish the evil spirit split.
#japan #day #monogatari #antoyokomonogatari #fireworks #hanabi #fuochi