Conoscete il teatro Kabuki 歌舞伎 ? Do you know Kabuki theatre ?
I singoli Kanji significano: --> Ka: canto, --> Bu: danza, --> Ki:
abilita'. Possiamo tradurlo come "arte della danza e della poesia"
Una miscela ricca di musica, danza, mimo, costumi, una messa in scena
davvero spettacolare. Gli attori del kabuki sono solo uomini e loro
interpretano sia i ruoli maschili
che quelli femminili.
SOLO i maschi possono essere attori, non esistono attrici. E di solito
solo se discendi dalla stessa famiglia. Quindi se sei un attore Kabuki e
avrai una bambina lei non potra' continuare a fare Kabuki.
The individual kanji, from left to right, mean sing (歌), dance (舞), and
skill (伎). Kabuki is therefore sometimes translated as "the art of
singing and dancing"
A rich blend of music, dance, mime, and spectacular staging and
Kabuki actors are only male.
The men play both male and a female roles.
Only male can be Kabuki's actor. And identified within only same family
Some boys are from other family though. But normally actors are from
same family.
So if one's wife had a girl, she can't be an actress for Kabuki. That
girl has to choose other life. And if it was a boy he has to succeed to
his father which means Kabuki actor even if he wants to have another
Actually it's a very strict world.