Conosci お見合いの日? Do you know Matchmaking Day??
6 novembre e’ il giorno dell’incontro! Infatti il 6 novembre 1947,
presso la riva del fiume Tamagawa a Tokyo, si svolse il primo grande
Matchmaking collettivo, con un totale di 386 persone, tra i 20 ei 50
anni, hanno partecipato uomini e donne.
6 Novembre 1947 was done for the first time after the war, one group, on
the river side of Tokyo (Tamagawa). 386 men and women aged 20 to 50
participated in this matchmaking, seeing.
It was done in style that can be said to be the origin of contemporary
matchmaking party.
#japan #day #monogatari #antoyokomonogatari #matchmaking