Conosci Enpitsu kinenbi ? Do you know えんぴつ記念日?
Il 2 maggio e' il giorno della matita. Il 2 maggio 1887 Akira Masaki
infatti creo' la sua fabbrica di produzione per produrre per la prima
volta le matite in Giappone. (Attualmente Mitsubishi Pencil)
2 May is Pencil day! In fact the factori Mitsubishi was established in
2/5/1887 after its founder Mr Masaki having seen a pencil (then a newly
mass manufactured implement) in 1878 at the Paris World Exhibition,
sought to replicate the product in his factory.
#japan #day #monogatari #antoyokomonogatari #matita #pencil #enpitsu