Conosci Amamori Tenken no Hi?Do you know
L'11 giugno e' il Giorno dell'ispezione delle perdite (雨漏り点検の日 Amamori
Tenken no Hi).
Con l'avvicinarsi della stagione delle piogge meglio controllare e
E proprio a causa del fatto che l'11 segna l'inizio della stagione delle
piogge, la Nihon yogasa shinko kyogikai(日本洋傘振興協議会), lo defini' anche
come il giorno dell'ombrello 傘の日(kasa no hi)!
11 June is (雨漏り点検の日 Amamori Tenken no Hi). This because arrive the
beginning of the rainy season. So is better check!!!!! Also for this
they say June 11 is kasa no hi(傘の日), Day of umbrella. This anniversary
was established by Nihon yogasa shinko kyogikai(日本洋傘振興協議会), Japan
Umbrella Promotion Association (JUPA) in 1989. JUPA was founded in March
They decided June 11 as Day of umbrella because it is nyubai (入梅,
literally enter plum), the beginning of the rainy season on the calendar.
#japan #day #monogatari #antoyokomonogatari #kasa #umbrella #ombrello
#piogge #stagionedellepiogge #rain #season #rainyseason