Conosci Kenketsu Kinenbi? Do you know 献血記念日?
Il 21 agosto e' il Giorno della donazione del sangue (献血記念日 Kenketsu
Nata 1964 a seguito della creazione di una banca del sangue nazionale
con lo scopo di sensibilizzare la popolazione giapponese riguardo
l'importanza delle trasfusioni durante le operazioni chirurgiche.
Kenketsu kinenbi: Anniversary of Blood Donation
21 August 1964 the cabinet decided to establish the system of securing
blood for transfusion not by buying blood but by donating blood. Sold
blood was called "Yellow blood" because they had fewer corpuscles and
more blood plasma. Those blood were not effective and tend to cause side
effects such as hepatitis after transfusion. Therefore this was a big
social problem.
In 1974 Blood Banks stopped keeping blood, and the system to secure all
blood by donation was established.
#japan #day #monogatari #antoyokomonogatari #blood #donation