Conosci il Seirei no hi? Do you know 精霊の日 ?
si dice che 3 poeti Izumi Okabe, Onozakacho , Kakimoto Maenorumo
morirono in modo anomalo il 18 marzo. Da qui l'origine del giorno dello
Avviene comunque intorno Ohigan, un evento di una settimana che si
concentra sull'equinozio di primavera (haru-higan) e quello di autunno (aki-higan).
Durante Ohigan, le famiglie visitano le tombe dei parenti con la
speranza di dare felicita' nell'aldila'.
女流歌人:和泉式部 / 女流歌人:小野小町 / 歌人:柿本人麻呂
18 march is Spirit's Day - Seirei no hi.
Three poets : Izumi Okabe, Onozakacho and Kakimoto Maenorumo passed away
in strange way during 18 March, so probably this is origin for Spirit
Day. Anyway it was connect at Ohigan. In fact it's a traditional
week-long seasonal event held in Japan each spring and autumn. It
centers on the spring equinox (haru-higan) and autumn equinox (aki-higan),
with the equinoxes being public holidays.
During Ohigan, families visit the graves of relatives and hold memorial
services for their ancestors. It is believed that those doing so will be
rewarded with happiness in the afterlife.
#antoyokomonogatari #japan #monogatari #spirito #spirit #seirei