Conosci il Giorno di Taro e Jiro? Do you know タロとジロの日?
14 Gennaio e’ il giorno di Taro e Jiro タロとジロの日! Erano 2 cani di razza
Sakhalin Husky (karafuto-ken 樺太犬) fratelli tra loro, che avevano
partecipato alla prima spedizione giapponese in Antartide presso la Base
Shōwa 昭和基地 .
Ma dopo tragiche traversie e un tristissimo abbandono dei cani coinvolti
nell'impresa, miracolosamente, solo due sopravvissero e furono messi in
salvo: Taro e Jiro.
Questo giorno e' anche chiamato il giorno dell'amore, della speranza e
del coraggio 愛と希望と勇気の日.
14 January is for Taro and Jiro!!
Taro and Jiro were the youngest of sled dogs of the first Japanese
expedition to Antarctica. The dogs were Sakhalin huskies, known in Japan
as Karafuto-ken.
The first team, were to be replaced by another team in February 1958,
but, before the second team could arrive a strong and unexpected storm
approached causing the first team to be evacuated by helicopter and the
second team to be suspended.
Unfortunately, the dogs had to be left behind. After 1 year the
expedition returned to the base in Antarctica. The men were expecting to
find the dogs dead but Taro and Jiro, were found alive near the base.
They were able to survive the 11 months in extreme conditions without
human support, and apparently did not resort to eating the bodies of
their fellow dogs.
#antoyokomonogatari #monogatari #japan #giappone #tarojiro