Conosci wagashi no hi ? Do you know 和菓子の日?
Il 16 Giugno e' il giorno dei dolci tipici giapponesi (和菓子の日/ wagashi no
hi) !! La ricorrenza risale all'anno 848 quando l'imperatore Ninmyo (仁
明天 皇) pregando per salute e prosperita' offri al Dio ben 16 diversi
dolci e mochi.
Today 16th of June is Wagashi Day (和菓子の日/ wagashi no hi) in Japan. This
dates back to the year 848 when the Emperor Ninmyo (仁明天皇) prayed for the
health and prosperity. He offered to the God 16 different sweets and
mochi (餅/ rice paste) after the date he made this ceremony. Then he
changed the name of the era to Kasho (嘉祥), means the sign of auspicious.
#japan #day #monogatari #antoyokomonogatari #wagashi #sweet #dolci #mochi