Conosci // Do you know ホワイトデーo((*^▽^*))o ?
Nato nel 1978 come trovata promozionale dell' Associazione nazionale
delle industrie dolciarie,si e' ormai sviluppato il WHITE DAY ホワイトデー (howaito
Si festeggia il 14 Marzo, esattamente un mese dopo la ricorrenza del San
Cosi, se ad esempio un ragazzo ha ricevuto la cioccolata Honmei (本命チョコ
cioccolato dato alla persona amata), e ricambia i sentimenti, deve
ricambiare il gesto con un dono di valore maggiore rispetto alla
cioccolata ricevuta. In tempi recenti comunque si puo' rispondere al
gesto anche con un regalo significativo per la coppia ma non per forza
prezioso o costoso.
White Day was first celebrated in 1978 in Japan, by the National
Confectionery Industry, and takes place on March 14th, exactly one month
after Valentine's Day.
On White Day men are supposed to give return gifts to women who gifted
them chocolates on Valentine's Day
For example, if a guy received Honmei chocolate (本命チョコ) got from the
girl who loves him, he should answer "Yes" if he also likes her with a
gift of greater value than that chocolate which he got.
If the answer was No (means he doesn't like that girl) he can just say "sorry"
without presents.
And also lately you can give a cheap gift ( just means thanks ) to girls
who gave you 義理チョコ(Giri chocolate) Example colleagues at work and
friends. Kitkat also can be Giri Choco.
Mainly these events are for love.
But also for going and working well their relationships at work, school
and so on.
#antoyokomonogatari #japan #whiteday #sanvalentine #chocolate #choco